Rigorous analysis of criminal law and sentencing
About the Journal
The Criminal Law Journal (ISSN: 0314-1160) features in-depth articles and reviews of criminal issues across all Australian jurisdictions. Consideration is given to law reform issues, comments on High Court and State criminal cases, comments on relevant legislation, a digest of recent criminal cases, book reviews and reports of developments in criminal law in Australia and overseas.
The distinguished Editorial Board is led by the Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG and includes members of the judiciary, the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions and leading academics.
Featured regularly in the Criminal Law Journal are special themed issues which provide in-depth treatment of important areas such as sentencing law. A quality research tool, the Criminal Law Journal provides peer-reviewed and rigorously researched commentary which is relevant, current and of high quality.
General Editors
Stephen Odgers SC is a Sydney Barrister who specialises in criminal law. He is the author of the highly successful and well-regarded Thomson Reuters publication Uniform Evidence Law which is available both as a book and as a paper and online subscription service.
Professor Mirko Bagaric is a Professor of Law at Swinburne University Law School and a well-known writer and commentator on criminal law, sentencing, punishment, evidence and international law. He is Title Editor of “Criminal Law Principles†for The Laws of Australia.
Editorial Board
The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG, BA, LLM, BEc (Syd), Hon D Litt (Curtin, James Cook, Newcastle, Ulster), Hon LLD (ANU, Bond, Buckingham, Colombo, Deakin, Indiana, Macq, Melbourne, Monash, Murdoch, NLSU India, Queen’s (Ontario), Syd, UNSW, USQ, UTS, Victoria, Wollongong), Hon D Univ (CQU, Griffith, La Trobe, SCU, Uni SA), FIAMA, FAAL, Hon FASSA, Hon FAAH, Hon Bencher of the Inner Temple, Justice of the High Court of Australia 1996–2009
Phillip Boulten SC, Barrister-at-Law
Simon Bronitt LLB (Bristol), LLM (Cantab), Professor; Deputy Dean (Research) and Deputy Head of School, TC Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland
Matthew Goode LLB (Hons) (Adel), LLM (Dal), Managing Solicitor, Policy and Legislation, Attorney-General’s Department of South Australia, Adjunct Associate Professor of Law, University of Adelaide, Editor, Australian Criminal Reports
David Grace QC, Barrister-at-Law
Sarah McNaughton SC BA (Hons), LLB (Hons), LLM (Syd), Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
Thomas Percy QC, Barrister-at-Law
Her Excellency Professor the Hon Kate Warner AC LLB (Hons), LLM (Tas), Governor of Tasmania
Justice Mark Weinberg AO, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of Victoria
State and Territory Editors
Lorana Bartels PhD (Tas), LLM, BA, LLB (UNSW), Professor, School of Law and Justice, University of Canberra
Simon Bronitt LLB (Bristol), LLM (Cantab), Professor; Deputy Dean (Research) and Deputy Head of School, TC Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland
Paul Fairall BA, LLB (Hons) (Cantuar), LLM (ANU), Foundation Dean of Law, Curtin University, Western Australia
Matthew Goode LLB (Hons) (Adel), LLM (Dal), Managing Solicitor, Policy and Legislation, Attorney-General’s Department of South Australia, Adjunct Associate Professor of Law, University of Adelaide
Matthew Groves BA, LLB (Hons) PhD (Monash), Professor of Law, Deakin University
Terese Henning BA, LLB (Hons) (Tas), M Phil Crim (Camb), Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Tasmania
Luke McNamara BA, LLB (UNSW), LLM (Manitoba), PhD (Wollongong), Professor, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales
Sentencing Editor
Lorana Bartels PhD (Tas), LLM, BA, LLB (UNSW), Professor, School of Law and Justice, University of Canberra
International Criminal Law Contributor
Grant Niemann, School of Law, Flinders University
Phillips’ Brief Editor
Mark Finnane BA (UNSW) PhD (ANU) FAHA, ARC Griffith Criminology Institute, Griffith University
Overseas Reporters
Benjamin L Berger BA (Alberta), LLB (Victoria), LLM (Yale), JSD (Yale), Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
Warren Brookbanks LLC, LLM (Hons), LLD (Auck), BD (MCD), Barrister and Solicitor, High Court of New Zealand; Professor of Criminal Law and Justice Studies, Auckland University of Technology; Director, Centre for Non-adversarial Justice, AUT
Gerry Ferguson BA (Carleton), LLB (Ottawa), LLM (NYU), Professor of Law, University of Victoria, British Columbia
Digest Editor
Julia Moulding
The consolidated table of authors and articles for this Journal is available here.
Indexing/abstracting services
The following websites contain details of material published in the Journal:
http://legal.thomsonreuters.com.au/australian-legal-journals-index-online/productdetail/85643 (Australian Legal Journals Index)
https://clarivate.com/products/web-of-science/ (Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index)
The Australian Legal Journals Index is an online legal database prepared by the Lionel Murphy Library of the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department. It is produced by Thomson Reuters and is available via subscription.
The ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) is an online database formerly produced by Thomson Reuters and now maintained by Clarivate Analytics. It is part of the Web of Science Core Collection and is available via subscription.
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Contents listing
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