About the Journal
The Tort Law Review (ISSN: 1039-3285) is an indispensable publication that will keep you abreast of the developing nature of tort law in Australia and overseas. Each issue will provide you with discussion on the current state of, and likely future changes to, the law of torts by courts, practitioners and academics in other countries.
This is the only publication of its kind to give you global coverage on torts. It also provides commentary on other legal topics such as contract, conflict of laws and unjust enrichment to help you understand the impact these areas may have on the law of torts.
General Editor
Dr Tina Popa, Senior Lecturer, Graduate School of Business & Law, RMIT University
Editorial Board
Associate Professor Normann Witzleb, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Adjunct Associate Professor Monash Faculty of Law, Monash Data Futures Institute Affiliate
Professor William Binchy, Regius Professor of Law, Trinity College, Dublin
Professor Andrew Burrows, Of the Middle Temple, Barrister; Norton Rose Professor of Commercial Law, St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford
The Hon Guido Calabresi, Judge, United States Court of Appeals (2nd Circuit); Sterling Professor of Law, Yale University
Professor Anthony M Dugdale, Beachcroft Wansbroughs Professor of Law, University of Keele
Professor Bruce Feldthusen, Professor, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section, University of Ottawa
Professor Peter Handford, Emeritus Professor, Law School, University of Western Australia
Sir Rupert Jackson, Lord Justice of Appeal, Court of Appeal of England and Wales
Professor Michael A Jones, Professor of Common Law, University of Liverpool
Professor Emeritus Sir Ian Kennedy, Professor of Health Law, Ethics and Policy, Emeritus, Kings College, University of London
The Hon Gerard La Forest QC, Former Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada; Distinguished Scholar in Residence, Faculty of Law, University of New Brunswick
Dr Ian Freckelton AO KC, LLD (Melb), PhD (Griff), BA (Hons), LLB (Syd), Dip Th M (ANH), FAHMS, FASSA, FAAL, FACLM (Hon), Barrister, Castan Chambers, Melbourne; Justice, Supreme Court of Nauru; Professorial Fellow of Law and Psychiatry, University of Melbourne; Adjunct Professor of Forensic Medicine, Monash University; Adjunct Professor, Australian Centre for Health Law Research, Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology; Adjunct Professor, Law Faculty, Griffith University; Adjunct Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
Professor James Lee, Professor of English Law, King’s College London
Professor Robert L Rabin, A Calder Mackay Professor of Law, Stanford University
Professor Michael Tilbury, Kerry Holdings Professor in Law, Chair of Private Law, The University of Hong Kong; Professorial Fellow, The University of Melbourne
Associate Professor Jennifer Schulz Moore (PhD), UNSW Law and Justice, Australia, UNSW Medicine, Australia, Adjunct Associate Professor, Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, Auckland. University of Technology, New Zealand
Professor Stephen M D Todd, Professor of Law, University of Canterbury
Professor Stephen Waddams, Professor of Law, University of Toronto
Professor Anthony Gray, University of Southern Queensland, B Bus (Acc) LLB (Hons) Grad Dip Leg Prac LLM (QUT) PhD (UNSW)
Professor Paula Giliker FAcSS, University of Bristol, President, Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) and Co-Director, UoB Centre for Private and Commercial Law School International Advisor, School of Law
The consolidated table of authors and articles for this Journal is available here.
Indexing/abstracting services
The following websites contain details of material published in the Journal:
http://legal.thomsonreuters.com.au/australian-legal-journals-index-online/productdetail/85643 (Australian Legal Journals Index)
https://clarivate.com/products/web-of-science/ (Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index)
The Australian Legal Journals Index is an online legal database prepared by the Lionel Murphy Library of the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department. It is produced by Thomson Reuters and is available via subscription.
The ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) is an online database formerly produced by Thomson Reuters and now maintained by Clarivate Analytics. It is part of the Web of Science Core Collection and is available via subscription.
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