Contemporary developments in judicial systems and court administration
About the Journal
The Journal of Judicial Administration (ISSN: 1036-7918) is a leading forum for the discussion of contemporary issues impacting on judicial administration.
The Journal features informed discourse on areas such as:
• the efficient and effective operation of Courts, Tribunals and quasi-judicial forums;
• the impact of new technology on judicial administration;
• the structure, organisation, financing and management of the Courts and the Court system;
• the appointment, tenure, independence and accountability of judicial officers; and
• education programs to enhance the work performance of justice system personnel.
The Journal of Judicial Administration is published in association with the Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration (AIJA). The articles featured in the Journal are written by leading judges, academics, practitioners and other legal specialists and experts.
General Editor
Greg J Reinhardt AM is the Executive Director of the Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration. He is also a member of the Melbourne Law School at the University of Melbourne.
Indexing/abstracting services
The following websites contain details of material published in the Journal: (Australian Legal Journals Index) (Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index)
The Australian Legal Journals Index is an online legal database prepared by the Lionel Murphy Library of the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department. It is produced by Thomson Reuters and is available via subscription.
The ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) is an online database formerly produced by Thomson Reuters and now maintained by Clarivate Analytics. It is part of the Web of Science Core Collection and is available via subscription.
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Contents listing
For the individual contents pages for each Part, click here.