Australian Law Journal update: Vol 90 Pt 12
By journalalerts on November 18, 2016
Posted In: Australian Law Journal, The (ALJ) Tagged: "Access to Justice" review "The Future of Law and Innovation in the Profession" “In Freedom’s Cause†accrued rights Acting Justice Peter Young AO ALJ Angelina A Gomez Around the nation: Australian Capital Territory Around the nation: Queensland Around the Nation: Victoria Ashley Black Attorney-General Simon Corbell audio-visual links Blick v Franklin (2016) 76 MVR 2; [2016] ACTCA 17 book review business lawyers by-laws competition and consumer law Conveyancing and property Current issues Façade Treatment Engineering Pty Ltd (In liq) v Brookfield Multiplex Constructions Pty Ltd [2016] VSCA 247 Greg Weeks human rights incapacitated beneficiaries Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) John McKenna QC John Southalan Justice Clyde Croft Justice François Kunc Justice John Dominic Burns Justice Michael Elkaim Ken Archer landlords and tenants legal education legal history Limitation of actions liquidated damages Magna Carta moral obloquy NSW Industrial Court OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises owners corporations performance guarantees Peter Butt Peter Dingwall Prince Alfred College Inc v ADC (2016) 90 ALJR 1085; [2016] HCA 37 Prior v Queensland University of Technology [No 2] [2016] FCCA 2853 Professor Jennifer Hill Professor Randall Thomas Promissory Estoppel public lectures R (Ingenious Media Holdings plc) v Commissioners for HMRC [2016] UKSC 54 Rachael Gray Recent cases recidivism Research Handbook on Shareholder Power Robert Baxt AO Ruth C A Higgins Saunders v Vautier secondary schools section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) Shane Gill short-stay accommodations short-term letting Soft Law and Public Authorities: Remedies and Reform strata law Supreme Court of the ACT TI v The Queen [2015] ACTCA 62 unconscionability