Environmental and Planning Law Journal update: Vol 38 Pt 3
By journalalerts on October 4, 2021
Posted In: Environmental and Planning Law Journal (EPLJ) Tagged: All at Sea Preparing the Law for Offshore Aquaculture in Australia articles Australia's laws and policy for offshore aquaculture Australia's national environmental legislation Australian aquaculture industry biodiversity loss and water impacts of food Christine Parker climate change climate change impacts common heritage of mankind competing coastal uses comprehensive reform of the Environment Protection Act 1970 (Vic) conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction Danielle McPhail Ella Robinson Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Streamlining Environmental Approvals) Bill 2020 (Cth) environmental and animal health protection environmental and animal health standards environmental and human rights frameworks environmental issues in Australia EPLJ expansion opportunities Forget Me Not Revisiting the Common Concern of Humankind Concept in the BBNJ Context freedom of the seas future of offshore farming Gary Sacks Insights for Victoria's General Environmental Duty from across the Ditch International Legally Binding Instrument Jan McDonald Kenny Ng Kierra Parker labour rights and intensive animal agriculture issues in the food system Laura Boehm modern environmental treaty regimes New Zealand environmental duty outcomes-driven approach in environmental law Paris Agreement Rachel Carey Responsible Investing for Food System Sustainability A Review of Current Practice in Australia responsible investment funds managers salmon farming off Tasmania Sarah Lothian Sustainable Development Goals Towards an Outcomes-driven Approach to Environmental Law The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) Zero Draft