Australian Law Journal update: April 2016
By journalalerts on June 3, 2016
Posted In: Australian Law Journal, The (ALJ) Tagged: acting judges Acting Justice Peter W Young AO AIB Group (UK) v Mark Redler & Co Solicitors [2015] AC 1503; [2014] UKSC 58 ALJ Angelina A Gomez book review boundary retaining wall Casey Williamson Clare Langford Clare McKay commercial lease consent to recording Conveyancing and property deemed consent FHR European Ventures v Cedar Capital Partners [2015] AC 250; [2014] UKSC 45 financial advisors General Editor Hannah O’Farrell harmonising the common law Islam James Stellios Justice Catherine Carew Justice Natalie Charlesworth Justice Richard O’Brien Justice Robert Bromwich Justice Sam Doyle Justice Timothy Moore listening devices mother’s tortious liability towards an unborn child multicultural Australia Neville Cox Nicholas A Tiverios Obituary omitted easements Personalia Peter Butt prenatal duty of care Recent cases republic secondary liability secret commissions Sex Discrimination Commissioner Shari'a law solicitors’ advertising terrorism tertiary education The Hon Jerrold Sydney Cripps QC unborn child wills Zines’s: The High Court and the Constitution