Environmental and Planning Law Journal update: Vol 37 Pt 3
By journalalerts on June 1, 2020
Posted In: Environmental and Planning Law Journal (EPLJ) Tagged: Alice Maxwell articles Basin Plan 2012 (Cth) Basin State water management regimes Bruce Lindsay built environment Climate Change Risk and the Urban Landscape climate justice corporate governance environmental offences EPLJ Georgia Pick Higher and Distinctive Standards for Urban River Protection? Special Purpose "River Laws" and Land-use Planning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change John R Corkill Justice Nicola Pain Kierra Parker Landowners’ Appeal of Seawalls Refusal Unsuccessful local councils' coastal zone planning management program preparation National Trust principle physical climate change risks and liabilities planning appeal tribunals Planning vs Planning Law: Reconciling Planning Policy and Case Law in the Victorian Planning System property rights responses of government and private actors in Australia river management seawall proposals sentencing serial environmental offenders Serial Environmental Offenders: Putting Penalties into Practice Sophie Tepper Stephen Rowley superior private property rights Take Care or Beware: Victoria's New Environmental Protection Regime The Murray-Darling Basin in Court: Administering Water Policy in the Eastern States of Australia – Administrative and Other Challenges urban planning and legal professionals Victoria’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation Water Act 2007 (Cth) Yarra River Protection (wilip-gin Birrarung murron) Act 2017 (Vic)