Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law update: Vol 29 Pt 2
By journalalerts on August 5, 2021
Posted In: Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law (AJCCL) Tagged: 2015 Harper Review adjudge misuse of power Adrian Coorey advertising AJCCL An Appeal to Feelings Arihant Agarwal articles Asal Ozgoli Australian Consumer Law The Comprehensive Guide Ayman Guirguis Bernard McCabe book review Case Note Christopher Hodgekiss SC Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) concerted practices Consumer Protection consumers' rights Criminal Cartel Conduct: Chartered Waters for Wallenius Deniz Kayis Douglas Shirrefs Editorial Enduring Implications for Competition Law Issues in the Modern Data Economy Lessons from Re ASX Operations Pty Ltd and Pont Data Australia Pty Ltd Landmarks legal liability of social media influencers Lindsay Trotman Louise Moussa Mandatory Industry Codes and Digital Markets Matthew Berkahn Mei Gong misleading advertising Odds & Ends Omar Guerrero RodrÃguez Rebecca Bunting Report from Latin America Report from New Zealand Reviewing Concerted Practices and Misuse of Market Power Short Point but a Good One Agreed Civil Penalties Engage the Court's Discretion Snapshots social media marketing The Assessment of Damages Involving Counterfactual Analysis Guidance from the High Court The Australian Competition Tribunal in 2020 The Liability of Social Media Influencers to Consumers in Australia Recommendations for Reform The Supreme Court of New Zealand on Price-Fixing Tim Luxton Tribunal Tableaux Unconscionable Conduct and Codes of Conduct Worth repeating