Environmental and Planning Law Journal update: Vol 38 Pt 2
By journalalerts on June 7, 2021
Posted In: Environmental and Planning Law Journal (EPLJ) Tagged: Alannah Milton Alex Gardner articles authorised emission child climate change litigants Child Rights and Climate Change: Litigative Avenues for Australian Children climate change conservative mass private electric vehicle uptake decarbonising passenger transport electric ridesharing and carsharing electric vehicle policies electric vehicles life-cycle emissions Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) environmental decision-making approaches Environmental Protection Amendment Act 2020 (WA) EPLJ globally orchestrated climate change protest greater Indigenous influence in environmental decision-making processes Greta Thunberg Helena Nguyen Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) incorporating human and child rights-based arguments indigenous rights Kenny Ng Licensing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Western Australia Matthew Groves Olivia De Koning Optional Protocol on a Communications Procedure to the Convention on the Rights of the Child Paris Agreement pollution and environmental harm progressive shared and intermodal electric mobility Pt V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA) regulating greenhouse gas emissions Returning the Environment to Their Custodians: Strengthening Indigenous Influence in Environmental Decision-making securing licence defence Standing Outside: An Environment of Challenge and Withheld Cures standing principles under the general law Stefan Prelevic sustainable transport policy and scholarship transformed mobility system Visions of Electrification and Potential for Decarbonisation: The Absence of Ridesharing and Carsharing in Australia's Electric Vehicle Policy Walton v Scottish Ministers Youth Verdict v Waratah Coal