Australian Law Journal update: Vol 95 Pt 9
By journalalerts on October 4, 2021
Posted In: Australian Law Journal, The (ALJ) Tagged: A Brilliant Boy – Doc Evatt and the Great Australian Dissent A Notable Australian Contribution to American Law Reform accessibility of sentencing remarks ALJ Andrew Lynch Angelina Gomez Around the Nation: Western Australia articles balancing victim and offender issues Big Tech A New Gilded Age Book reviews Brendan Edgeworth Caroline Spiranovic claim for privilege clarity and persuasiveness of reasons Commonwealth compulsory examination Conveyancing and property Corporations Legislation Current issues cy-près doctrine cy-près relief Cy-près Remedies in Class Actions – Quo Vadis? Deguisa v Lynn distribution of damages award or settlement sum in a class action proceeding Emily Vale express legislative cy-près power Gabrielle Appleby Georgina Dimopoulos Gideon Haigh Indefeasibility Common Building Schemes and the Torrens System Is Australian Federation Fit for Purpose in a Pandemic judges' sentencing remarks Justice François Kunc Justice Jacqueline Gleeson Justice James Gorton Justice Kenneth Martin Justice Michael Osborne Justice Simon Steward Justice Sonia Brownhill Karen Gelb Kate Warner Lorana Bartels Lynne Roberts Michael Pearce SC National Jury Sentencing Study Northern Territory Obituary perceived victim vindication perceptions of appropriateness of the sentence Personalia public confidence in sentencing Public Perspectives on Judges' Reasons for Sentence Queen's Counsel Appointments Queensland Regulation of Big Tech News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code Robert Angyal SC Senior Counsel Appointments sex and other violent offence cases sexual harassment Soli Sorabjee AM South Australia The Curated Page The Judge the Judiciary and the Court: Individual Collegial and Institutional Dynamics in Australia uncollected settlement proceeds victim impact Victoria Vince Morabito Waiver of Penalty Privilege in Civil Penalty Proceedings Western Australia Western Australia v Edwards (No 7) [2020] WASC 339 A Judge Alone Trial Like No Other