Company and Securities Law Journal update: April 2016
By journalalerts on May 20, 2016
Posted In: Company and Securities Law Journal (C&SLJ) Tagged: Alma Pekmezovic Annabelle Walker Arrium Ltd ASIC accountability ASX listed companies Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Business Set-up C&SLJ Centre for Mining Energy and Natural Resources Law corporate culture corporate governance Corporate Governance Corporate Responsibility and Law Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) Corporations Amendment (Improving Accountability on Termination Payments) Act 2009 (Cth) Diana Nestorovska Editorial energy and resource companies enforceable undertakings equity crowdfunding Gordon R Walker independent regulator infringement notices Jared Clements John Chandler John Sartori KPMG Overseas Notes: New Zealand Professor Bob Baxt Professor Jean Jacques du Plessis Professor Robert Baxt AO Pt 2D.2 Div 2 Queensland Nickel shareholder primacy statutory business judgment rule termination payments termination payments provisions Transfer and Closure report University of Western Australia