On Monday 30 May 2011, Workplace Review received a mention in the Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Senate Estimates Committee.

Senator Fisher, the Liberal Senator for South Australia, twice asked questions of Fair Work Australia relating to an interview of Justice Geoffrey Giudice (President of Fair Work Australia) published in the first issue of Workplace Review (“Justice Geoffrey Giudice: An insider’s look at Australia’s new IR system” (2010) 1 WR 16).

The questions concerned the Labor policy of separating the workings of Fair Work Australia from political influences and the “conflict of interest that has the Industrial Registrar serving two masters”1 and Giudice’s self-perceived shift away from heavy involvement in hearings to greater administrative responsibility.2

The interview was conducted by journalist Steven Andrew, a regular contributor to Workplace Review and Workforce.

Each issue of Workplace Review features an interview and portrait of an influential practitioner, advocate, judge or academic working in industrial relations or related fields. To date this has included Justice Geoffrey Giudice (FWA), Justice Stephen Craig Rothman (NSW Supreme Court), Professor Andrew Stewart and Senator Chris Evans. The upcoming issue features the Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick.

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1 Julia Gillard, National Press Club Address, 30 May 2007. Julia Gillard when then Deputy Prime Minister and federal Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Minister.

2 Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Senate Estimates Committee, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 May 2011, p 36.